Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Snowboarders Anonymous

Rumor has it we might be getting snow tonight...that would be wonderful. I doubt it will amount to much, but the rumor is enough to drive me crazy. Man, it's the middle of September and already I can't get my mind off the white stuff. I've got quite a strong addiction. Like a methhead, I've been thinking of selling all my worldly possessions (besides my board) in order to fund my habit...maybe a trip to New Zealand? Unfortunately, I think I'm going to have to keep working my minimum wage job and try to keep this addiction in check until we get just enough snow to make riding possible. But once we get that first storm, all hell will break loose and I will be in a snowboard induced stupor for months until the snow melts again and I come down from my high once again. Every summer, the time without snowboarding becomes almost unbearable, but the euphonium created when riding is so strong that it keeps me addicted. I bide my time throughout the summer just dreaming of cutting through endless amounts of white powder or getting even higher off a jump. Year after year its a vicious cycle of snowboard highs and summer lows, but i just can't stop coming back. Is there and Anonymous group for this?

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